병원간호사가 지각하는 성장욕구와 조직분위기가 조직사회화에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Needs for Professional Development and Organizational Climate on Organizational Socialization

  • 송영신 (존스홉킨스대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 이미영 (을지대학병원 간호부)
  • 투고 : 2010.09.29
  • 심사 : 2010.10.26
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of needs for professional development and organizational climate on organizational socialization of clinical nurses. A cross-sectional analysis were performed to assess the factors affecting organizational socialization. Methods: The data used in this study were obtained from clinical nurses who were employed in a hospital (N=606). Using multiple regression, we tested variables to assess their effects on organizational socialization in this sample. The data were analyzed using descriptive test, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficiency and stepwise multivariate regression. SPSS 17.0 program was utilized for data analysis. Results: The mean scores of organizational socialization, needs for professional development and organizational climate were statistically differed by career ladder, educational level and position. Organizational socialization had significant positive correlations with the needs for professional development (r=.332, p<.01) and organizational climate (r=.523, p<.01). Those variables including career ladder explained 33.4% of organizational socialization. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that organizational socialization of clinical nurses could be enhanced by meeting the needs for professional development and organizational climate. Developing innovative educations for encouraging clinical nurses' carrier development and creating a positive organizational climate are mandated for clinical nurses to have constructive organizational socialization.



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