심폐소생술금지(Do-Not-Resuscitate)에 대한 환자보호자의 윤리적 인식 및 태도

Ethical Awareness and Attitudes of Patients' Families towards DNR(Do-Not-Resuscitate)

  • Song, Kyung Ok (Department of ICU, Incheon Christian Hospital) ;
  • Jo, Hyun Sook (Department of Nursing, Gachon University of Medicine and Science)
  • 투고 : 2010.09.29
  • 심사 : 2010.10.26
  • 발행 : 2010.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the ethical awareness and attitude of patients' families towards Do-Not-Resuscitate(DNR), and thus provide basic information required to develop Korean appropriate DNR instructions and practice informed consent for DNR. Methods: During April 2010, 219 patient family members visiting the hospital were surveyed using a questionnaire. Results: Most of the participants preferred DNR to meaningless treatment for incurable patients. They recognized the necessity of explaining DNR to the patient with a terminal disease. They also requested DNR orders for themselves if they were in the same medical condition. In making a DNR decision, the patient's family agreed and preferred that it reflect the opinion of the patient and the doctor in charge. They also agreed that treatment should be given with the best efforts even if a DNR decision had been made for the patient. Conclusion: To make a decision on DNR for a patient who is terminally ill or for whom survival is not possible, a practice of informed consent and guidelines for executing the DNR reflecting the patient's opinion are required.



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