현대 한의학의 이해 - 한의학의 정체성 문제 고찰을 위한 예비 연구

Understanding Current Traditional Korean Medicine - Preliminary Study for Discussion on the Identity Issue of TKM

  • 이충열 (경원대학교 한의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Lee, Choong-Yeol (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyungwon University)
  • 투고 : 2010.09.17
  • 심사 : 2010.10.02
  • 발행 : 2010.10.25


This is a preliminary study for examining the identity issue of the current Traditional Korean Medicine(TKM). In order to examine the identity issue, it is necessary to understand "what" current TKM is. The current TKM has been formed in the complicated historical settings and the newly formed academic geography of modern times, completely different from those of the traditional era. This paper took diachronic and synchronic approaches in order to understand the current TKM. In the process of modernization and scientization of the TKM-which had begun in the early twentieth century-the western medical knowledge merged into the TKM. Also, as the College education of the TKM began after the Liberation from the Japanese colonial rule, the TKM scholars accepted the western medical department system to develop the TKM into professional knowledge. Meanwhile, since the late 1970s, the TKM has been influenced by the modern Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and the TCM knowledge also merged into the TKM. And recently, the research methodology of the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), and the clinical research technique of the western medicine-like Evidence based Medicine (EBM)-are affecting the scientization and clinical study of the TKM. The current TKM has been formed as a result of the hybridization of these different knowledges. These changes in the TKM were inevitable for the survival of it in the fast changing world. But these changes brought with them problems. Among those, the identity issue is the most important and crucial.



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