한의학 교육과정의 인문사회의학 교육필요성에 대한 한의사의 태도 연구

Attitudinal Study of Korean Oriental Medical Doctors toward the Educational Necessity of Human Social Medical Study in the Curriculum of Korean Oriental Medicine

  • 투고 : 2010.12.02
  • 심사 : 2010.12.15
  • 발행 : 2010.12.25


The standardized education for medical college students not only provides the opportunity to get the exclusive knowledge as a professional but also is the basis of strong professional authority. Korean Oriental medicine has pursued to standardize the education system and curricula away from the traditional education system since the modernization started. And this standardization has worked as the basis of the status advancement of Korean Oriental medicine. Through the standardization of education system and curricula, Korean Oriental medicine has been professionalized and its social status has been heightened, stabilizing itself within the establishment of institution. After this, Korean Oriental medicine has kept pursuing standardization and professionalization in the educational area. It has achieved the professionalization of curricula reflecting the specificity of Korean Oriental medicine, following the model of western medical education. This paper investigated the attitude of Korean Oriental medical doctors toward the current Korean Oriental medical education. In the survey conducted in this study, how the Korean Oriental doctors view the education of Korean Oriental college in the areas such as 'standardization', 'specificity', 'Korean Oriental medical philosophy', 'responsibility', and 'professional ethics'. And the relationship between the demographic variables of Korean Oriental medical doctors and the educational contents which should be emphasized in Korean Oriental medical school has been examined. The subjects of this study were Korean Oriental medical doctors who work as professionals after graduation of Koran Oriental Medical School and, thus, this is a meaningful study in that the contents of education which the Korean Oriental medical doctors think are needed in practice are discussed.



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