Analysis of Air Quality Change of Cheonggyecheon Area by Restoration Project

청계천복원공사에 따른 청계천과 주변지역의 대기질 변화분석

  • Received : 2009.09.16
  • Accepted : 2009.12.01
  • Published : 2010.02.28


The project of Cheonggyecheon revived the 5.8 kilometer stream and it removed the cover of stream and Cheonggye elevated road. It was begin October of 2003 and completed October of 2005. The purpose of this study is to analyze the air pollution change of Cheonggyecheon area and neighboring area from before and after the project. The change of concentration is compared with an air monitoring station data and measurement data. The analyzed pollutants are $NO_2$, $PM_{10}$, heavy metal, VOC which are measured at Cheonggyecheon and neighboring area. As the results, $NO_2$ concentration shows 10 % decreases in Cheonggyecheon area and neighboring area shows 16 % decreases by Chenoggyecheon restoration, and $PM_{10}$ concentration shows 15 % decreases in Cheonggyecheon area and neighboring area shows 16 % increases. One of VOC, benzene is increased in Cheonggyecheon area compared with neighboring area but Toluene, Ethylbenzene, m+p Xylene increased in neighboring area. After the Cheonggyecheon restoration, The heavy metals are not shows the improvement, but $PM_{10}$ and $NO_2$ concentration improved more than the changes of neighboring area. These improvements of pollution due to reduction of transportation and clearing of elevated road by Cheonggyecheon restoration project.



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