말초 신경병증성 통증 모델에서 소경활혈탕의 진통 효과

Analgesic Effects of Sokyungwhalhyul-tang on Constriction Nerve Injury-Induced Neuropathic Pain in Rats

  • 투고 : 2011.02.21
  • 심사 : 2011.04.11
  • 발행 : 2011.04.25


Nardostachys chinensis;Anti-proliferation;Cell cycle arrest;Differentiation;U937 cells; This study was conducted to determine the analgesic effect of Sokyungwhalhyul-tang(SKWHT) using the model of peripheral neuropathic pain model. A model of neuropathic pain was made by ligating left 5th lumbar spinal nerve of rats. After 1 days, the extract of SKWHT was orally administered daily. Rats were divided into four groups; (1) Control group(n=6), (2) Experimental group I(SKWHT-OA1, 100 mg/kg, n=6), (3) Experimental group II(SKWHT-OA2, 300 mg/kg, n=6), (4) Experimental group III(SKWHT-OA3, 500 mg/kg, n=6). After that, we examined the withdrawl response of neuropathic rats legs by von Frey filament and Hot plate at pre, $1^{th}$, $4^{th}$, $7^{th}$, $14^{th}$, $21^{th}$ days after the induction of neuropathic pain. And also we examined c-fos, GOT, GPT and histological study of Liver at 21th days. von Frey filament and Hot plate were increase in experimental group I, II, III than Con. especially group III was most significantly analgesic effect than the other groups at $14^{th}$, $21^{th}$ days. In c-fos protein expression on spinal cord, group III was most significantly reduction immunoreactivity at $21^{th}$ days and in blood serum GOT & GPT levels and histologic finding of Liver in all experimental groups were no significant difference with Con at $21^{th}$ days. According to the above results, SKWHT(500 mg/kg) may have a significant analgesic effect on the neuropathic pain.



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