한방 임상연구에 참여한 노인 대상자들의 동의 능력 평가

Assessing the Old Participants' Capacity of Consent to Oriental Clinical Research

  • 투고 : 2011.11.11
  • 심사 : 2011.12.14
  • 발행 : 2011.12.25


We examined the decision-making capacity of seniors of consent to oriental clinical research. This study was performed in order to improve the quality of ethical aspects before obtaining informed consent. Oriental investigators interviewed 251 seniors who participated in Sasang clinical research. The questionnaire was about the capacity of consent and the subjective awareness of informed consent. Two hundred fifteen out of 250 questionnaires were collected. One hundred thirty four(62.3%) seniors had the capacity of consent to research and 81(37.7%) seniors did not pass. The subjective awareness of informed consent in having the capacity group is $78.02{\pm}12.92$ and not having group is $72.17{\pm}9.17$. The investigation of senior capacity of consent was aimed at protecting seniors' interests and completing investigators' ethical responsibilities. This study found that only 62.3% of senior participants had the capacity of consent. This investigation will be expected to raise the importance of seniors' capacity of consent. Also we expect methods and procedures for capacity assessment of informed consent to be followed for increasing quality of clinical research.



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