도시환경정비사업에서 토지등소유자방식의 갈등요인에 관한 연구

A Study on the Conflict Factors of Property Owner-led Development in Urban Renewal Project

  • 나인수 (서울대학교 공학연구소)
  • 투고 : 2012.05.01
  • 발행 : 2012.07.25


Urban Renewal Projects have been implemented over 40 years and most cases of them have been led by private sectors; the "Property Owner". "Property Owner" means not just who has properties in renewal area but who has the right to operate the renewal project so there were many problems by Property owner led development like exclusion of indigenous owners and tenants. This study shows the actual project's conflicts through field survey of eight urban renewal project cases by data collecting and developer interview. Especially this study focused on the conflict factors in property owner side so conflict factors in projects are categorized by four aspects; project agent, project profitability, project compensation and project outcome. Project agent means the stakeholder's participation and exclusion in development decision making process. Project profitability is related with the property right of whom disagree the development and sharing of expenditure and profit. Project compensation mainly implies the compensation for tenants such as eviction and relocation costs and rental subsidies, even the premium return. Lastly project outcome is the way and balance of infra structure allocation. This four perspectives are relevant to property owner-led development so political and institutional revision is necessary, for example the autonomous agreement for the developer, cost burden and benefit sharing model, public assistant for tenants and practical application of infrastructure donation.



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