한국(韓國) 현존(現存) 최고(最古)의 목조건축(木造建築) 봉정사(鳳停寺) 극락전(極樂殿) 본형(本形)에 관한 연구 - 봉정사(鳳停寺) 극락전(極樂殿) 수리공사보고서(修理工事報告書), 봉정사(鳳停寺) 극락전(極樂殿) 수리(修理).실측(實測) 보고서(報告書) 및 봉정사(鳳停寺) 대웅전(大雄殿) 해체수리공사보고서(解體修理工事報告書) 분석(分析)을 기반으로 -

A Study on The Original Architecture of Geuklakjeon Hall of Bongjeongsa Temple, the Oldest Wooden Architecture in Korea, by to Analyze Reports of Cultural Heritage Administration, and Andong City

  • 투고 : 2012.07.04
  • 발행 : 2012.09.25


The Oldest Wooden Architecture, Geuklakjeon(極樂殿) Hall of Bongjeongsa(鳳停寺) Temple was changed front elevation, east & west side elevation, inner floor, and the floor of Korean verandah without the historical point of view by repair construction on A.D.1975. Therefore, it seems to be a new Geuklakjeon(極樂殿) Hall by reconstruction, and what is worse is that a new Geuklakjeon(極樂殿) Hall is recognized as the oldest original wooden arcitecture of Korea, by three kind of Reports of Cultural Heritage Administration. Therefore, this paper write with a view to establish the identity of original Geuklakjeon(極樂殿) Hall as the oldest wooden architecture of Korea.



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