지역의 소리환경의 현상과 특성에 관한 공시적 비교연구

A Cross-Regional Study on the Present Circumstances and Characteristics of Sound Environment

  • 한명호 (국립목포대학교 호남문화콘텐츠연구소)
  • 투고 : 2012.08.02
  • 발행 : 2012.10.25


The purpose of this study is to inquire into a cross-regional attributes through the comparative analysis on the present circumstances and characteristics of sound environment based on the relationships between people and their environment. It was conducted a survey targeting inhabitants of Jeonbuk Namwon-city, Jeonnam Mokpo-city and Jangseong-gun. The importance between the sound groups rated compatible with the surroundings and the level of satisfaction with the sounds were analyzed. Analysis on the comparative importances of sound groups rated compatible with the surroundings showed that the most influential factors for the respondents' satisfaction with sound were traditional environment sound in Namwon-city, living environment noise and marine environment sound in Mokpo-city, and natural environment sound and rural environment sound in Jangseong-gun respectively. The existential value of sound in the environment was also evaluated by re-categorising the sounds into another set. And the importance on the existential value of sound in residential areas were analyzed. Traditional sound in Namwon-city, natural sound and mechanical work sound in Jangseong-gun respectively were rated as better to be present by respondents. It was confirmation that sound environment was imtimately related with nature, history, tradition, living environment and cultural attributes of the region.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국연구재단


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