내용분석기법을 활용한 공공디자인 현황 연구

A Study of Contemporary Public Design in Korea As Validated by Content Analysis Method

  • 투고 : 2012.07.20
  • 발행 : 2012.11.25


This study proposes to systematically investigate current situations and trends of contemporary public design in Korea by utilizing content analysis technique. Results of the study will provide valuable data for understanding a conceptual picture as well as multiple status of the on-going public design movement which includes many organizations such as central and local government bodies, academic bodies, field companies. A total of 5 critical indicators that are construed to be important and interested in getting insight into the public design paradigm were identified in the field-based actual public design process. They are (1)relevant laws, (2)central government-driven demonstration projects, (3)local government ordinance, (4)field business enterprise activities, (5)academic endeavors. Additionally, academic endeavors are analyzed by using 5 categories. They are definition of the term(public design), organizational contribution in publication, academic field or domain as related to public design, academic contribution by major or academic field, academic discussion as involved in the public design process. All these indicators might be useful for a comprehensive understanding of public design movement in Korea. A document study through either on- or off-line has been conducted to examine contemporary phenomenon of public design. Of particular, content analysis technique was used to quantify a central tendency of public design which is reflected in reading materials selected for the study. Tables were largely used to figure out patterns of content distribution as related to each of the indicators. Results are as follows. First, the term 'public design' as defined in common by various academic fields was related to publicity, professionality, differentiated approach to practicing public design. Second, public design is likely to be another tool for practicing urban and environmental design within a more activity oriented design frame. Third, design fields(interior design, industry design, visual art design etc.) have been more strongly associated with public design than architecture or urban studies thus far. Fourth, a set of problems or alternatives as recommended by many academic and field professionals were examined in order to provide an active guideline for future public design activities. Finally, financial as well as organizational supports by central and local government, unification of activities as related to public design, citizen participation, and unified organizational works of various participants are all necessary.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국연구재단


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