서울시 하천수변보행공간 이용만족도의 영향요인 분석 - 성내천, 양재천, 청계천을 중심으로 -

Analysis of Factors Affecting Satisfaction for using the Pedestrian Space of the Rivers in Seoul - Focusing on Seongnaecheon, Yangjaecheon, Cheonggyecheon -

  • 투고 : 2012.08.02
  • 발행 : 2012.11.25


This study aims to analyse the factors that affect the residents' satisfaction about pedestrian spaces of the rivers and to suggest both the problems and the direction of improvements for those. So, we will estimate the residents' satisfaction in the rivers-Seongnaecheon, Yangjaecheon, Cheonggyecheon respectly, performing the POE and the field survey by considering the functions of pedestrian spaces of the rivers. we revealed that 8 factors of the satisfaction in detailed terms is inspected and each river is different according to them-access, pedestrian space of barrier-free, facilities, program, pedestrian safety, crime-free, natural landscape, street furniture design satisfaction. The averages of the following factors-access, pedestrian space of barrier-free, facilities, natural landscape, street furniture design satisfaction- are statistically significant and the averages of the other factors-program, pedestrian safety, crime-free satisfaction- are not significant depending on each river.



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