전통마을 친환경건축 계획요소 분류체계에 따른 함평 모평마을 적용실태 분석

Analysis on the Application of Environmental-Friendly Design Factors for Mo-pyung Traditional Village Located at Hampyung by Using the Classification System

  • 투고 : 2012.10.04
  • 발행 : 2012.12.25


The goal of this study is to suggest the fundamental data possible to make the guideline of modern environmental-friendly design method for housing estate. In this study, Mo-pyung Village located at Hampyung is selected as one of the traditional villages and surveyed by the classification system of the environmental-friendly design factors in the existing traditional village. The classification system on the environmental-friendly design factors in traditional village is composed of 6 large scaled categories, 13 medium scaled categories, and 54 small scaled items. The results show that the items such as land use, eco-space, resource and energy conservation, water use, and environmental pollution are applicated very well, however the wall greening of residential area is not applicated. In addition, the peculiar environmental-friendly design factors such as walk road located at the back mountain, stream under the pavilion, and natural green tea area are investigated in the Mo-pyung Village.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국연구재단


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