A Suggestion for the Convergent Type of the Cultural Content Production System Using Holography and Augmented Reality

홀로그래피와 증강현실을 활용한 융합형 문화콘텐츠 제작시스템 제안

  • 오문석 (광운대학교 미디어영상학부) ;
  • 원종욱 (광운대학교 정보콘텐츠대학원)
  • Published : 2012.12.30


A hologram projects a 3 dimensional video as same as a real subject and it is made by principles of holography. Many researches about holographic technology have been developed. Studies for visualization of 3D videos, holographic storages, and optical media have proceeded mostly in engineering. It is hard to find any researches about the convergent system from the viewpoint of interactive elements and motion graphic design such as this paper's concept. Most studies of augmented reality have been developed in the domain of technology and education but the field of content production. AR has been convergent with various fields and media, so it is time to make an active progress in the study of convergent content development. The goal of this study is to develop cultural contents and create new values through the convergence of holography and AR. The purpose of this paper is to propose the way of developing the convergent type of cultural contents and construct the production system by the new approach to users using the convergence technology of holography and augmented reality.



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