알도 로시의 건축에 있어서 반복의 의미

The Meaning of Repetition in Aldo Rossi's Architecture

  • 투고 : 2011.09.01
  • 발행 : 2012.01.25


Repetition in architecture is considered negative. Repeating the same architecture is regarded as producing a nonsensical building. But this is possible that we count repetition as mechanical movement. In the real world trying to repeat the same thing in reality, changes are bound to entail. And these changes are unpredictable. To plan for change but, rather, by not considering changes, a pure change can be derived. Aldo Rossi, the twofold characteristics of repetition by attention, used it as an important concept in his architecture. His repetition reveal the changes in the concept of a paradoxical way, also how the expression of such changes. But the repetition concept is not without problems. He has not found a clear direction that the relationship between sameness and difference. In this paper, we note that the characteristics Aldo Rossi's repetition and comparative analysis of Deleuze's philosophical repetition, and furthermore, will be examined the problem of repetition in architecture.



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