둔황 막고굴 벽화와 고구려고분군 벽화에 나타난 성곽도 연구

Fortress' Paintings Shown in the Mural Paintings in Dunhuang Mogao Caves and Complex of Koguryo Tombs

  • 투고 : 2011.06.01
  • 발행 : 2012.02.25


Dunhuang Mogao Caves in China and mural paintings of Complex of Koguryo tombs, inscribed on the World Heritage List, 1987 and 2004, respectively, have been recognized as great human achievements in terms of architectural, artistic and cultural sense, embodying human creativity, religions, ideas or tradition in the context of each and regional civilization. However, facing problems such as insufficient ruins, scanty records and uneasy access, studying ancient architecture in Korea is a challenge for us, which, under the circumstances, needs holistic approach. Especially, Koguryo which had long and dynamic relations with China would have been influenced from it in many ways and would have done the same thing to neighboring countries. The fortresses depicted in the mural paintings give us important clues to help us understand the architectural layouts and details in those days. The goal of this study is to consider architectural elements through fortresses shown in the mural paintings both from China and Koguryo and look through relevant documents to help find the missing link in the architectural history of Korea and China.



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