전국 한의과 대학의 의료윤리교육 현황 및 발전방향

Study of the Current State and Future Directions of Medical Ethics Education on the Colleges of Korean Medicine in Korea

  • 투고 : 2012.05.24
  • 심사 : 2012.08.06
  • 발행 : 2012.08.25


In this research, we examined the courses of the colleges of Korean medicine in Korea to find out how well the education on medical ethics is being conducted so that we could make good use of our findings as basic material to make arrangements to develop ethics education in Korean medicine. In the same research, we conducted a survey to find detailed information on the current state of ethics education and its actual application at 12 colleges of Korean medicine in Korea. As a result, 8 colleges out of 12 included medical ethics in their courses. They were among the subjects in the first year or second year of a preparatory program. Most of them were classified as requirements while some of them were classified as electives in humanities or liberal arts. As ethical issues in the medical community become more diversified and important, it is imperative that health care providers maintain firm ethics. As the need for medical ethics and ethics education is getting larger, ethics education at colleges of oriental medicine is becoming a more important focus. Therefore, it is necessary to expand ethics education at the colleges of Korean medicine in Korea and set a precedent for studying ethics in Korean medicine based on that.



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