학교에서의 범죄불안감 유발 요인 도출 및 시설개선을 통한 범죄불안감 저감 방안 연구

A Study on the Facilities Planning for Influencing Factors for Causing and Decreasing Fear of Crime in School

  • 투고 : 2012.10.04
  • 발행 : 2013.11.25


While more attentions are paid to environmental design to prevent crimes as school crimes against children have been increased, the reality in Korea is that insufficient consideration was given to separate CPTED guidelines or fear of crimes felt by students in schools. Thus, this study is to figure out physical environmental factors in schools which affect children's fear of crimes and to draw improvement direction of the CPTED guidelines to improve thereof. The flow of the study is as follows: Firstly, by deducting limitation of the current guidelines through analysis of the CPTED guidelines of the schools in which such guidelines have been established and implemented, the direction of this study is set up and the variables for physical environment of schools are generated. Secondly, I analyze the current physical status of the selected target areas and investigate the factors causing fears of crimes of the physical environmental factors for the children attending the target schools. Thirdly, I make a study on the facility plans to reduce fear of crimes through correlation analysis between the current physical status of the target schools based on the CPTED guidelines being conducted and fear of crimes felt by their students, and comparative analysis between the target areas. I have drawn physical environmental factors of schools affecting fear of crimes, a measure of facility planning to reduce fear of crimes within each facility, and supplementary measures for the CPTED guidelines through this study.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국연구재단


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