국내 종합병원의 유형별 연면적 현황에 관한 연구

A Study on the Status of Total Floor Area in Korean General Hospital

  • 조준영 (한양대학교 일반대학원 건축환경공학과) ;
  • 양내원 (한양대학교 공학대학 건축학부)
  • 투고 : 2013.09.05
  • 발행 : 2013.11.25


This study is to investigate the status of total floor area in Korean general hospital. Total floor area is analyzed to hospital characteristics, region and number of beds. The purpose of this study is to provide data on the basis for architectural planning of total floor area. The subjects of this study is general hospitals through the evaluation of the healthcare accreditation. For comparison among hospitals is based on total floor area per bed. The analysis is focusing on the distribution range rather than status of complex statistical analysis. And for comparison, the objective distribution of the minimum, average, medium, and maximum values were written. The results of this study could be summarized as follows; Average of total floor area per bed is $80.2m^2$ and distribution range is $33.7m^2$ to $142.3m^2$. National, public or tertiary hospitals has relatively large total floor area compared to private or general hospitals. In addition, according to the distribution area can be classified into four groups. First group is less than $60m^2$/bed, this group is generally private general hospitals. Second group is generally private university hospitals that distributed in $60m^2$/bed to $80m^2$/bed. Third group shows the average hospital that distributed between $80m^2$/bed to $100m^2$/bed. Fourth group, more than $100m^2$/bed, is the National university hospitals or a company or foundation is sponsored tertiary hospitals.



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