공동주택의 가로 연계 및 주동유형 다양화 방향성 고찰 - 주동유형별 용적률 비교 및 전문가 의식조사를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Plan for Enhancing Diversity of the Block Types and Strengthening the Connections between Streets and Housing Design - Considering the Floor Area Ratio of the Block Types and the Questionnaire -

  • 발행 : 2013.01.25


This study is to find the plans for enhancing diversity of housing block types and strengthening the connections between housing design and streets. We categorized housing block types based on literature review, and compare each group's floor area ratio and the light condition to one another through comparative analysis. We discuss the improvement with other researcher and designer based on outcome of the research. The results of this study are as follows. First, Contrary to our expectation, result shows that Block types have higher floor area ratio than tower types. Second, The block types are desirable to be built in the quasi-residence area. Third, The effective guidance for enhancing diversity of housing block types and strengthening connections between housing and streets are as follows. -the reducing the percentage of contribution, -the alleviating measure -the alleviating the official restrictions of the collecting units of housing. Forth, the design of block defining structure should be considered from the early stages of its urban design, and it should be supported by the institutional devices. Therefore, to enhance diversity of the types of housing block, the connections between Streets and Housing Design should be first consideration in the housing development.



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