발견학습방식에 의한 설계교육의 사례 분석

A Case Study of Architectural Design Education based on Discovery Learning

  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


This study aims to find a characteristics and problems of "discovery learning" methods in architectural design education through the case study of AA School's typical design unit and one of the design studio of Y university in Korea. As a results, these kind of teaching method is necessary in terms of diversification of architectural education, but before we apply the method, following points should be considered in advance; (1) attitude and ability of students, (2) duration of the design project, (3) capability of tutors, (4) design process and level of the final outputs. And these kind of teaching method is suitable for; (1) one or two semesters that the degree of the final completion is relatively less important, (2) senior grade studio. Moreover, a detailed orientation about the studio is necessary before the selection and beginning of the studio.



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