건물에 설치된 신재생에너지관리시스템의 적용 현황 및 개선 방향

Application and Improvement of the Renewable Energy Management System in Existing Buildings

  • 발행 : 2013.02.28


This study aims to investigate the development state of the existing renewable energy management systems and the usage of those systems and, to make suggestions for the system improvement. To do this, a field survey was conducted, targeting the buildings with renewable energy management systems. The findings demonstrated that the geothermal heat system was not associated with conventional heat sources and failed to react to the heating demand actively. In the case of photovoltaic system, the communication protocols vary depending on the manufacturers, and the monitoring algorithm needs to be improved. Most energy management systems have established a data base, yet not utilize that for the analysis. Building managers lacked the basic knowledge about energy management systems. Through the study, the necessity of the development of the multiple energy source management system featured with optimal load distribution control, a linkage with BEMS, prediction of production leveraging DB, and the establishment of operation schedule in response to the demand was confirmed.



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