건축장 개념을 적용한 설계개념모형 고찰

The Study of the Conceptual Model for Design on the Application of the Architectural Field Concept

  • 발행 : 2013.04.25


The purpose of this study is to propose the architectural field concept as an architectural design method for contemporary architectural design. That is, the concept of the architectural field is the method of understanding on the traditional architecture in korea, and also is suggested as a tool for designing the contemporary architecture. The field theory showed a new viewpoint to understand the status of world, and the architectural field is a new viewpoint of understanding the architecture and to design of it is seems to be an action to show an essence of the architecture. And so called the architecture by this viewpoint is a field of the interactive network. And as a result of this field the form is made. To design of the architectural field is to design the characteristics of the architectural field by the architectural design process. First, the area is designed of the net system which is defined by relations among the environments, around architectures and so on. Second, the relation net is designed of the interaction between building and space, building and building, space and space, according to the correspondence each other. Third, for a building and a space are no longer divided but one, this characteristics is designed of the form and volume by connecting system. And this process is repeated by feedback, if necessary. As a result, this study suggest the model for design the architectural field and to apply this model for the design. And more researches are expected to suggest of the design samples applied by this design conceptual model.



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