설문조사를 통한 소규모 도시형 생활주택의 주거만족도 및 개선방안 연구

A Study on the Improvements and the Residential Satisfaction with the Small-size Urban Life-Type Housing through Public Opinion Survey

  • 이혜복 (서울과학기술대학교 산업대학원) ;
  • 김원필 (서울과학기술대학교 건축학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.04.25


Recently MLTM (Ministry of Land, Transport, and Maritime Affairs) established and reformed related regulations for the building construction and improvement of small-size urban housing in Metropolitan area. As a result, loosen laws and regulations inevitably brings the degradation of living quality. There, the purpose of this research is to investigate residential satisfaction of this type of small-size urban housing and to explore planning guidelines. For this purpose, review of building codes and residential survey were performed for the residents of small-size urban housing. Major findings were as followings; First, parking access and ample parking space and accessibility needed to improve. Second, storage space inside, resulting from the diversion of balcony area were not enough. Third, daylighting, open view, ventilation were important components in securing comfort in indoor living. Fourth, Chi-square analysis indicated that there were statistical significance between 'type of tenure and social interaction' and 'number of family members and security/safety' implying the importance of home ownership and social activities between neighbors. Finally, regression analysis found that provision of recess area including parking space were main predictors needed to be improved. In order to promote the wellbeing of certain type of urban residents, the study suggested that careful securing of environmental quality, low-maintenance costs, recess space and convenient parking access would increase the level of satisfaction with this type of housing, functioning as living-work connected space.



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