박정희 대통령 연설문에서 나타난 반공이데올로기의 실현으로서 수도 서울의 요새화

Fortification of Seoul, the Capital as Realization of the Anti-communist Ideology Appeared in the Speeches of President Park Chung-hee

  • 설정임 (서울시립대학교 대학원) ;
  • 박철수 (서울시립대학교 건축학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.04.25


This paper intends to identify the fact that anti-communism during the 19 years of Park Chung Hee's presidency had been a ruling ideology through the president's speeches, and thereby, reveal how it had been associated with the construction of Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea. As a result, this paper shows that, since 1.21 Incident (1968), the anti-communist ideology had been reproduced into physical spaces. In terms of urban space, the anti-communist ideology supposing the outbreak of the second Korean War led to the defensive strategy of centering on the population control policy in Seoul and the capital region and dispersing the population in Gangbuk into Gangnam. For the strategy, the Greenbelt was designated in and around Seoul. In the mid-1970's, the capital relocation plan was established because of the failure of population control policy. Individual buildings were fortified at that time. For the purpose of sheltering people in emergency, underground facilities and Namsan tunnel were planned in the heart of Seoul. In case of street battles, the fortified buildings were placed on the tank's influential entry road; embrasures were installed in individual buildings; and the defensive positions were constructed on the every road of Seoul.



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