공동주택 대지선정에서 GIS를 활용한 친환경성 평가에 대한 연구

A Study about Evaluating of Environment-friendly using GIS on the Site Selection of Apartment House

  • 김혜미 (경북대학교 공간정보학과) ;
  • 홍원화 (경북대학교 건축토목학부) ;
  • 김종달 (경북대학교 경상대학 경제 통상학부) ;
  • 김채복 (경북대학교 경상대학 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.04.25


This paper is about technique that uses GIS to select sustainable site in planning environment-friendly building(Green Building) to reduce greenhouse gas emission that causes global warming. Selecting sustainable site is important, because it is the most fundamental and important step in planning the Green Building. Also when it comes to energy performance and implications for the environment of the building, it is the biggest factor that decides sustainability during the building's life-cycle. This paper aims to study the technique to select optimum site for the Green building that can reduce the emission of $CO_2$, through objective data gained from analyzing surrounding infrastructures such as soil, geological features and access to streets, and also analyzing wind ways and illuminance using GIS. Existing environment-friendly architectural design process lacked sustainability, efficiency and objectivity about space analysis by planning space through local site analysis. Therefore if site selection is done through analyzing data from vast area using GIS, improved sustainability will not only improve a environment-friendly building, but even make environment-friendly residential neighborhood and city planning possible.



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