라이프스타일에 따른 1-2인 가구 도시형 생활주택 단위평면의 제안

A Suggestion of 1-2 Person Household Unit Plan in Urban-Compact Housing for the Target Group Having New Lifestyle

  • 발행 : 2013.07.25


The purpose of this study is to suggest the one room type plan of Urban-Compact housing for the various generations and Target Group reflected new life style. The method of this study is as follows. First, we suggested some differentiation factors through analyzing the preceding researches about the life style and Urban-Compact housing. Second, we compressed nine cases (which were developed in 2011) among one room type plan of Urban-Compact housing and then categorized some type through the 40 unit plan analysis. Third, we analyzed some specialized foreign interior case through the internet. Finally, we could set the target group's space classified by life style and then drew some problem of the Urban-Compact housing. So we suggested improving unit plan. The result of this study is as follows. First, one room type cases of Urban-Compact housing almost had same plan, kitchen and storage closet were drawn as its major consistent factors. Second, we could catch the target group preferring independent space was cocooning, newlywed couple, retired couple. So we suggested its plan as the concept 'flexible units space' and separated bed room and living room as the private space in house from the other space. Third, we suggested the study space and office space reflecting various life style as the additional approach. The cocooning and newlywed couple preferred a large bathroom. Fourth, the target group of the student, new employee and retired couple tended to install some furniture for getting space. So we suggested the pop-up furniture and bar for the target group.



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