동작검증으로 본 무장애 공영주택의 주호유형별 문제 및 개선방안 - 일본 효고현영주택 리모델링을 중심으로 -

Issues and Improvements Related to Barrier-Free by Type of Public Housing from the View of Movements Verification - Focused on Remodeling of Hyogo Prefectural Housing in Japan -

  • 발행 : 2013.07.25


In this research, verification about the ease of use of a dwelling unit plan is performed, and it aims at proposing the device of actually realizable barrier-free consideration. The candidates for investigation are remodeling of Hyogo Prefectural Housing in which barrier-free repair was carried out. In Japan with rapidly aging population, New Barrier-Free Acts were enforced in 2006 and comprehensive measures are in progress for village construction. However, when looking into "spaces designed in consideration of the aged and the disabled", there are many areas that fail to reflect the need of users. Korea also, due to the rapid increase in elderly population, Barrier-free design and universal design has been recognized importance. The following things became clear as a result of investigation. 1) The position in which a handrail and an operation panel are installed is not unified. The installation position of a handrail or an operation panel is unified about a bathroom, a toilet, and a kitchen. 2) When determining the position in which a handrail and an operation panel are installed, the actually used images are insufficient.



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