주택재개발 지구 내 건축물 해체 시 석면함유자재의 발생패턴 및 발생량 분석에 관한 연구

Analysis of Generation Pattern and Generation Amount of Asbestos Containing Material, When Demolition of Buildings in the Housing Redevelopment District

  • 김영찬 (경북대학교 건설환경에너지공학부) ;
  • 홍원화 (경북대학교 건설환경에너지공학부) ;
  • 손병훈 (대구공업대학교 건축설비소방안전계열) ;
  • 발행 : 2013.07.25


In this country, the use of asbestos was banned completely according to revision of Industrial Safety and Health Law in February of 2009. Especially, more than 82% of imported asbestos is used as building materials. Slate among materials included asbestos is used wide along with economic development by the 1960s, so more than about 1 million and 230 thousand buildings are distributed on a national scale. Such slate becomes superannuated, so arsenic acid in asbestos can become a problem. Therefore, change is pushing ahead by the government. In safety control about asbestos enforced at April of 2012, it is obligated to investigate buildings included asbestos beforehand, and is stipulated to take asbestos out as specified waste before general construction materials are demolished. However, there is no study about prediction of generation pattern and generation amount of asbestos containing material, so there is much trouble from level of investigation-plan establishment and investigation-cost computation. Therefore, the study selects a district of housing redevelopment and does exhaustive search of buildings in the district. And then, generation pattern of asbestos containing material is analyzed, and its calculation formula of generation amount is deducted. It can be going to be used economically in asbestos-work planning of district unit such as district of housing redevelopment and housing environment amelioration district, and in prediction of generation amount and processing cost about asbestos waste.



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