근대건축 대구 성모당의 건축적 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on Architectural Characteristics of a Modern Building, Daegu Sungmodang

  • 발행 : 2013.10.25


This study is based on a consideration of site plan, plan, elevation components and structure of Daegu Sungmodang, and its results are like below. 1. Daegu Sungmodang is a chapel which is modelled on 'Grotto of Massabielle' in Lourdes, France and had its space circumscribed with red-brick walls and also composed of a artificial cave within. 2. The person who planned and designed Daegu Sungmodang is assumed to be Father Demange, the first diocesan bishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Daegu. The construction of Sungmodang was lead by a Chinese architectural enigineer Mo, Mun-Geum, who has moved from Shandong Province to Daegu in 1911, in recommendation of Father Demnage. 3. Red and charcoal gray bricks were used to build Daegu Sung-mo dang. While most of the walls were built with red bricks, charcoal gray bricks were used to build semicircle and blind archs of front opening, buttresses, lintels and cornice 4. Buttresses, which were built of charcoal gray bricks, were placed on both sides of semicircle arch and edges of Sung-mo dang not only to strongly cope with lateral force but also to segment walls so as to emphasize the verticality of the building. Large semicircle arch and blind arch in the front, lintels and cornice create both unity and change at the same time. 5. Artificial cave which stands inside of Sung-mo dang was built with racks which were made of slender rectangular lumber, and adhered by cement mortar among the racks or gaps and is held up by a roof truss.



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