주거환경이 노인의 활동 및 자립적 생활능력에 미치는 영향

Effects on Aged Man's Activity and IADL of Residential Environments

  • 발행 : 2013.10.25


This study aims to find out the relationship between neighborhood environment and elderly's quality of life(QoL). For this, five hundred elderly people of 4 region which has major environment improvement projects such as pedestrian environment improvement project, creation of park , shopping mall project, were surveyed, which was to be improve their neighborhood environment with each improvement project of environment. In this survey, daily living activity, instrumental activity of daily life(IADL), physical health status, mental health status were measured. According to study, the elderly who lives in the area of pedestrian environment improvement project would walk more than before the project, and also their satisfaction for the neighborhood environment was significantly improved. Second, the elderly who lives in the area of new park creation project would walk and exercise more than before the project. Also, their satisfaction for the neighborhood environment and IADL were both improved. Third, the satisfaction for the environment and IADL of the elderly who lives in the area of new shopping mall were improved. These results shows that better neighborhood environment can improve the QoL the elderly in that area. Especially, neighborhood environment would affect the IADL of elderly, which means that the neighborhood environment has a welfare effect.



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