공동주택의 생애주기에 따른 친환경 건축 관련 제도 현황 분석 및 개선방안에 관한 연구

A Study on Eco-friendly Architectural Support Law Situation Analysis and Improvement Direction by the Apartment House's Life Cycle

  • 발행 : 2013.10.25


As the law of supporting green building takes effect by March 23 in 2013 by fundamental law of low carbon and green growth, certification program of some buildings is newly established or changed. Even if eco-friendly architectural institutions implemented in Korea now have considerable portion of repeated factor in evaluation contents including eco-friendly of apartment houses l certification program, they have other relevant statutory provisions to government department they belonged to. It becomes result of excessive expenses. And they received incentives through various certifications including eco-friendly certification in their early stage of planning and construction. However, in stage of managing and operating of building's life cycle, they are not certified enough and the building can't function in most cases. In this study, I will examine program distribution and characteristic in general aspect of building's life cycle through analysis on eco-friendly of apartment houses certification program. I will also present right direction of institution for effective management of structure.



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