자택에서의 노후생활을 위한 노인거주자와 노인동거가족의 욕실디자인 요구에 대한 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on the Bathroom Design Needs between the Elderly's and the Young Adults's of Cohabiting Family for Aging in Place

  • 김혜신 (부산대학교 주거환경학과) ;
  • 박수빈 (부산대학교 주거환경학과 및 노인생활환경연구소)
  • 발행 : 2013.10.25


This study was progressed with literature review on aging and the bathroom design studies regarding Aging in place and the survey research. Elderly residents and Cohabiting family members, 200 subjects of each group, answered questionnaires including bathroom use, meaning of bathroom and satisfaction thereof, and the preferred bathroom design. Results and conclusions are as follows. (1) The main use of bathroom was discharging, washing, shower & bath. Elderly residents also used it for laundry and planting, and the cohabiting residents for a rest. (2) Elderly residents took shower and bath sitting, while the cohabiting families filled the bathtub with water and took shower in the shower booth. (3) Elderly residents recognized bathroom as a private sanitary space, while the cohabiting families as a private sanitary space and a relaxation area at the same time. And Elderly residents were less satisfied with location of the bathroom and the height of the equipment. (4) Elderly and Cohabiting families mostly preferred the composition of 'bathtub + shower booth + washbasin + toilet.' Elderly residents required 'bathing assistant facilities' and the Cohabiting families required 'noise prevention' adding to 'floor heating facility,' 'emergency call facility,' and 'dressing area.' This study proposed the planning base for the bathroom design of the elderly households as well as the cohabiting households for Aging in place.



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