미국 도심 재개발 복합 쇼핑몰과 가로활성화에 관한 연구 - 미국 캘리포니아 도심활성화 정책으로 시행된 사례를 중심으로 -

A Study about Revitalization of the Existing Street with Redeveloped Downtown as Shopping Mall in the California US.

  • 발행 : 2013.05.25


This study regards street environment that directly leads to the activity of a city. Also, most cities have an existing downtown that needs redevelopment from slum to new complex these days. A lot of towns in Seoul recently have been redeveloped by the real estate companies or resistants unions. They have been redeveloped as housing complexes or commercial complexes by them. However, there have been problems in the redevelopment complexes. Especially, the context of the streets and social connections have been destroyed. Successful redeveloped complexes have been revitalized themselves except existing street and background cities. They look like isolated islands. Their border areas have become desolate, and have been walled. I researched for case studies in the US that already redeveloped commercial complexes a few years ago. My case studies are the Paseo Nuevo shopping mall in Santa Barbara, the Grove mall in LA and the Horton Plaza in San Diego. The results found pros and cons about relations between existing street and redevelopment. One of the case studies showed ways to overcome isolated problems by redevelopment. The Paseo Nuevo shopping mall has been revitalized with existing streets. They have six positive features as architectural plans. First of all, It has opened a facade and plan toward existing streets. Secondly, It has many entrance gates. Thirdly, the parking lot is located behind the shopping mall and an another block. Fourthly, it has unconnected circulation for pedestrians. Fifthly, the stair or arcade have been removed or reduced as psychological barrier. Sixthly, the design of circulation needs to use more organized public arts or attraction elements. Results of the study are important features for revitalization between existing streets and redeveloped complexes.



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