친환경 요소 중 공공의 사회적 책임감이 사회경제 가치관에 미치는 영향

Do Social Responsibility Impact on Social Economy in Sustainable Factors?

  • 발행 : 2013.05.25


The design, construction, use and demolition of building generate substantial social and economic benefits to society but may also have serious negative impacts especially for the environment. In response to the demand for evaluation and management of buildings' environmental performance, several tools and methodologies have been developed and are being implemented in the construction sector aiming at sustainable performance. The research work is focusing on environmental management tools emphasizing to rating systems' analysis, comparison and implementation for buildings' environmental performance. The LEED, SBT07, CASBEE and KGBC guides for existing buildings and new construction are compared, similarities and differences are analysed and a joint evaluation guide for existing buildings derived as a result of the rating systems' analysis. Finally all the components for certification are researched by citizens in Korea and analyzed their sustainable preference and impacts of social responsibility on social economy. The results gained by this research suggested an appropriate way to make a more effective certifying plan and weighting factors according to analyze various citizens' preference of certain certification sectors.



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