모바일 어플리케이션 구현을 위한 건물사용자 중심의 에너지 평가모델 개발

Development of Resident-Based Energy Evaluation Model(REEM) for Implementation of Mobile Applications

  • 발행 : 2013.05.25


As the interest in energy conservation for buildings is increasing, and many methods and easily-understandable approaches are emerging, it has now become the public's main interest, compared to the past when it was only focused on by experts. This research analyzes design methods for saving energy for buildings through case studies of green buildings that are, in particular, developed by using energy evaluation models(EEMs) with mobile applications of augmented reality technology. The validity of EEMs applying augmented reality can be established by examining case studies of mobiles applications to which the public have easy access. The process of mobile applications using augmented reality consists of 3 phases; building datebase(DB) loading, energy consumption evaluation, and DB evaluation. There are 2 methods for developing EEMs for buildings; an evaluation model for energy consumption, and an evaluation model for building DB. After evaluating energy consumption and building DB through case studies, we analyzed the performance of each variable relevant to building DB.



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