전통마을에서 인지(認知)되는 흉상(凶相)이 비보경관 형성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

A Study on the Impact of the Formation of Bibo Landscape Patterns Due to Wrong Circumstances Being Noticed in Traditional Villages

  • 발행 : 2013.05.25


An ideal spot which has perfect circumstances isn't common in Korean traditional villages, so villages were positioned at the place where had a certain circumstances, after they found wrong circumstances having a bad effect in villages, they had made Bibo landscape. Where there were the defective places, they had made Bibo together. Where there were the harmful places, they had made Oyumseung which pressed the energy using dislikable things. These Bibo landscape had made up for the unfit places in living environment, and had created pleasant living places having a good effect in human life. The BIbo landscape type will be directly influenced by the shape and type of wrong circumstances being noticed in villages.



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