역사문화지역 재생을 위한 사업의 연계수법에 관한 연구 - 일본 나가하마시와 가와고에시를 중심으로 -

The Study on Linking Method of Project for Regeneration of Historic Cultural Area - Focused on the Nagahama City and Kawagoe City in Japan -

  • 발행 : 2013.09.25


The purpose of this study is to come up with the idea of regeneration of internal historic cultural area based on linking method of project. We analysed the regeneration plan and extract the type of project and linking form of project by vocabulary presented in the plan with two example in Japan(Nagahama city and Kawagoe city). Based on this we analysed the series of process and linkage structure. Through these characteristics of linkage, we find out the linking method and implication for regeneration of internal historic cultural area. The results are as follows: 1) According to the type of project and linking form, we found out 4 types of charging regeneration task ; utilizing of architecture, infrastructure maintenance, commercial district maintenance, event, 3 types of function ; catalyst, mediation, maintenance. 3 types of linking form ; induction, unification, connection. 2) As a result that we analysed characteristics of linkage, there were 2 types ; regeneration of specific area + linking with nearby area, regeneration of plural areas + connection plural areas. 3) Linking method have 5 principles ; sociality, locality, connectivity, strategy, cooperation. 4) Linking methods deals with various local problems. so it will provide direction of regeneration. Finally to apply these linking method in internal area, we suggest needs of comprehensive plans and systematic management organization.



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