공간 내 통행량 추정을 위한 통로의 길이와 연결각도를 동시에 고려한 공간깊이 분석척도 개발

Development of Analysis Scale of Space Depth Through Considered Both Length and Connection Angle of Aisle to Estimate Traffic Volume within the Space

  • 박근송 (서울대학교 대학원 건축학과)
  • 발행 : 2013.09.25


The purpose of this study is to provide a measure depth analysis of the space to estimate the traffic volume in the space. The integration of space syntax, VGA model, and ERAM model theory as a representative to measure the amount of traffic volume in space. At the important of the existing indicators of these, some to be measured in any concept of depth of space. Therefore, the depth corresponding to the length of the shortest routes to access a specific area, a depth corresponding to the degree of angular change in the path, the depth of the space existing, depending on the number of axes or edges on the path there is a concept of depth was. In this study, in order to Development of Analysis Scale of Space Depth, considering comprehensively the degree of change of the angle and the actual length of the edge of the access path of a particular region, the more systematic I develop a measurement indicator of the depth of the space. In order to develop an application based on the RPMS for efficient computation of the index of the depth of the space that has been developed in this way. Finally, within the space correlation of actual traffic and the existing space as well as depth measurement model to predict the traffic volume is verified that there is a significant explanatory power.



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