Korean Intonation Patterns from the Viewpoint of F0 Percentage Change

F0 변화율로 본 한국어 억양 패턴의 음향 특성

  • Received : 2013.01.01
  • Accepted : 2013.03.15
  • Published : 2013.03.31


Previous researches on Korean intonation have been mainly focused on $F_0$ target frequencies, $F_0$ slope, and the duration of intonation patterns. This study investigated Korean intonation patterns, both boundary and phrasal tones, in relation to the $F_0$ percentage change between pitch targets. We measured the percentage change between the pitch targets of both boundary and phrasal tones. Additionally, the $F_0$ change between the preceding pitch target and the first pitch target of the boundary tone and the $F_0$ targets of the sequence of two LH phrasal tones ('LH + LH') were also measured. Two phrasal tones, LHLH and HLH, were compared with 'LH + LH' and the 'HLH' in the LHLH pattern respectively. We found that the percentage change between pitch targets in the phrasal tone is fixed to some extent. This helped explain why the slope of the phrasal tone is closely related to the number of syllables and the duration of the phrasal tone as discussed in previous studies. Since we analyzed the intonation patterns with the utterances from a large speech corpus, the results of this paper are expected to be used in building a larger annotated corpus of Korean.



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