창덕궁 침전일곽의 건축 형식 변천에 관한 연구 - 임진왜란 후 재건 때부터 일제강점기 초기까지 -

On the Changing of Architectural Form of the Royal Bedchamber in Changdeokgung Palace - From the Reconstruction after Imjinwaeran to the Early Japanese Colonial Period -

  • 투고 : 2013.12.05
  • 심사 : 2014.11.21
  • 발행 : 2014.12.30


The Royal Bedchamber of Changdeokgung Palace in the late Joseon period looked different compared to the present. It is because the Royal Bedchamber of Changdeokgung Palace had been rebuilt after Changdeokgung Palace burned during Imjinwaeran. The Royal Bedchamber of Changdeokgung Palace in the late Joseon was repaired from using demolished parts of the Royal Palace at Ingyeonggung Palace, and its shape was maintained until the end of Joseon. Changeokgung Palace is the place where the king lived the longest throughout the Joseon Dynasty, and especially, the Royal Bedchamber place is a space that shows the day-to-day life and utopia of the king at the time. In this paper, I wish to examine how the Royal Bedchamber at Changdeokgung Palace changed over the times of significant impact made to the country. This thesis contemplates on the Royal Bedchamber at Changdeokgung before it was lost during the Japanese Colonialism. Furthermore, this thesis intends to discuss spatial composition.



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