중국 산시성(山西省)지역 관제묘건축의 지붕의장에 관한 연구

A Study on the Roof Design for GuanDi Temple of Shanxi Province in China

  • 투고 : 2014.10.02
  • 심사 : 2014.12.08
  • 발행 : 2014.12.30


Shanxi province was the hometown of GuanDi. The analysis of community features that found in the roof of common GuanDi Temple show as follows: 1. There are many differences in the roof design of Door, Theater Stage, Pray Hall, Main Hall, Spring and Autumn Palace between Shanxi province and Henan province. 2. The Ornament on roof ridge mostly use patterns of dragon head and dragon tail in Shanxi province. The Ridge brake use various patterns in Shanxi province. 3. Deity carving appears in the Dragon ridge and Vertical ridge. Animal carving appears in the Dragon ridge, Vertical ridge and Descending ridge in Shanxi province. 4. Decorations such as Dragon carving, Peony blossom carving, Flowering plant carving and Word carving are used in the surface of Dragon ridge. Decorations such as Dragon carving and Peony blossom carving are used in the surface of Vertical ridge. Decorations such as Peony blossom carving and Flowering plant carving are used in the surface of Descending ridge.



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