Variables that Affect the Satisfaction of Brazilian Women with External Breast Prostheses after Mastectomy

  • 발행 : 2014.12.18


Background: : In 2012, the breast cancer estimate worldwide stood at 1.67 million new cases, these accounting for 25% of all types of cancer diagnosed in women. For 2014, 57,120 new cases are expected, with a risk estimated at 56.1 cases for every 100,000 women. The objective of this study was to analyze the satisfaction regarding the use of external breast prostheses by women undergoing mastectomy. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with 76 women who used an external breast prosthesis (EBP), registered in the services of the Cuiaba Center for Comprehensive Rehabilitation, Mato Grosso, Brazil, from 2009 to 2012. Data were collected from the records of women who had requested the opening of a process of external breast prosthesis concession. Results: Satisfaction with the EBP was identified in 56.6% of the women. Those satisfied with the EBP reported that its weight was not annoying (p<0.01). Although the women felt body sensations of stitches, pains, pulling, dormancy and phantom limb, they are satisfied with the EBP. The variable related to the displacement of the breast prosthesis during activity of everyday life has demonstrated that even though the women have reported the possibility of displacements, they are satisfied with the EBP. The satisfaction with the use of external breast prosthesis did not affect the sexuality of the women with mastectomy. Conclusions: Learning the specificities of the EBP, taking into consideration the satisfaction of its use, allows the rehabilitation team, by listening to their clientele more attentively, following up this woman throughout her life journey, supporting and guiding the best way of use, with an eye to her personal, emotional and social life, as well as to her self-esteem.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A Biomimetic Approach for Designing a Full External Breast Prosthesis: Post-Mastectomy vol.8, pp.3, 2018,