요추 질환에 대한 신기공 오금희의 동작연구 - 20식, 30식, 40식을 중심으로 -

Study on the Movement of New Qi-gong "WuQinXi" Exercise for Lumbar Spinal Disease : Based on 20 Mode, 30 Mode, 40 Mode

  • 투고 : 2013.11.21
  • 심사 : 2013.12.27
  • 발행 : 2014.04.25


The "WuQinXi" exercise, one of the medical Qi-gongs, is an exercise maximizing human's self healing power and has been confirmed to be effective significantly at several modern researches. There are many exercise therapies in western medcine, such as Willams's flexion exercise, Mckenzie's extension exercise, vertebral stabilization exercise and so on. However, there isn't a special exercise therapy which can be applied for medical practice in oriental medicine. So we selected 24 motions which are related with lumbar movements from 3 type "WuQinXi" exercises ; 20 mode, 30 mode, and 40 mode. And then, we classified them according to lumbar movements as flexion, extention, lateral bending and rotation, and also functions as stabilization and rubbing. Next, with these classifications, we assorted them by kinds of lumbar spinal disease as HIVD(herniation of intervertebral disc), spinal stenosis, spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, facet joint syndrome, compression fracture and spondylosis. We expect that "WuQinXi" exercise be a exercise therapy for lumbar spinal disease at an oriental medical clinic in this way. Oriental medical doctors will be able to teach easily patients "WuQinXi" exercise's motions at clinic, depending on kinds of lumbar spinal disease each patient suffers from. We plan to study the effect of "WuQinXi" exercise by comparing patients who do the "WuQinXi" exercise with the patients who do the western medical exercise therapy.



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