미취학 아동 육아환경에 관한 거주유형별 만족도 비교 분석

An Analysis of Satisfaction Related to Preschool Children's Care Reaning Environment by Housing Type

  • 투고 : 2013.10.31
  • 심사 : 2014.06.05
  • 발행 : 2014.06.30


The low birth rate problem is emerging as a serious social problem. It is necessary to confirm the satisfaction with child-rearing environment of children. We conducted the analysis for the items internal environment, external environment, child care environment. In comparison to the needs of the child care environments, it was found that the satisfaction is low. Apartment satisfaction is higher than the residence other types. However, it was numerically lower satisfaction of the apartment. It is determined by regulations for large complex. It is necessary to set a regional basis standard of welfare facilities for the improvement of child-rearing environment. It is expected that the improvement of child care environment and residential child care will give a positive effect to an increase in the birth rate. Research for the infrastructure of child care support of residence must be continued.



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