설치건축을 적용한 건물전면공간과 인프라스트럭처의 입체공간 재생디자인 연구 : 강남고속터미널지하상가, 반포쇼핑타운, 신반포 지역 아파트의 공간적 연결을 중심으로

A Study on the Multi-Dimensional Space Rehabilitation Installation Architecture Design of Privately Owned Public Space and Infrastructure : Focused on the Spatial Linkage among Gangnam Bus Terminal, Banpo Shopping Town, Shinbanpo Apartment Complex

  • 투고 : 2013.10.03
  • 심사 : 2014.02.04
  • 발행 : 2014.02.28


This study will focus on the rehabilitation of the boundary space where apartment complex, commercial buildings and existing underground infrastructure intersect, by applying Facade-Poche, which recognizes architecture and city as integrated space. This area has strong possibilities that is to satisfy the user and anonymous pedestrian needs through the designated spatial territory that different types of urban fragments meet. 'The boundary space' is defined as the linkage between existing underground infrastructure and commercial buildings above ground as well as the privately owned public space between street stores and apartment complex. Despite quantitative expansion of public space, the lack of link system and entrance with existing facilities and illegally use caused disconnection of pedestrian flow and circulation. This study will propose a design guideline to improve current institutional framework and effectively manage the privately owned public space, with installation architecture which is flexible and temporally occupied depending on user's purpose.



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