회암사지 고원 영역의 전각 배치에 대하여

A Study on the Building Layout of Gowon Area in the Site of Buddhist Temple Hoeamsa

  • 투고 : 2014.02.24
  • 심사 : 2014.07.10
  • 발행 : 2014.07.30


The purpose of this study is to clarify the building layout of Gowon(庫院) area in Hoeamsa Buddhist temple which rebuilded by Zen priest Naong(懶翁) in the late time of Goryo dynasty, by comparison analysis of excavated ruins, Cheonbosan-hoeamsa-sujogi(天寶山檜巖寺修造記), and Zen Buddhism temple of China and Japan in 13-14 century. The Gowon was the core facility to conduct the management of Zen Buddhism temple. The Gowon area of Hoeamsa site is located on the east side of 3, 4 sectors, which are in the south direction of main Buddha hall. The elements of Gowon of Hoeamsa in late time of Goryo are kitchen, dormitory for Jisa(知事), Witajeon(韋陀殿), attached storage, and so on. These elements are very similar to the Zen Buddhism temple of China and Japan. It means the influence of Chinese Zen Buddhism temple introduced by Naong. But from the view point of the location in the temple, the Gowon of Hoeamsa was different from that of China, which was located on the east side of the main Buddha hall, and made symmetry with Seungdand(僧堂) on the west side of the Buddha hall. And some misdescription was found from the Cheonbosan-hoeamsa-sujogi on the name, bay composition and location of some buildings.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 명지대학교


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피인용 문헌

  1. A Study on the Meaning of Building Composition of Nine Zen School Temples from late Silla to early Goryeo Era vol.32, pp.6, 2016,