아파트 단지 배치계획에서 나타나는 건축요소의 위계성에 관한 시계열적 분석

Chronological Analysis on the Hierarchy of Service Facilities as seen in the Block Plans of Apartment Complexes

  • 투고 : 2014.09.04
  • 심사 : 2014.11.04
  • 발행 : 2014.11.30


Apartment block plans are not mere positioning and orientating apartment buildings, but the combination of apartment buildings in liaison with the external facilities, thus creating both internal and external space in harmony. Thus, in the block plan, the priority of the elements that make up the living environment is reflected, which changes with time. In this study analyzes block plans of apartments complexes dating back to the 1970's, measuring the connectivity and hierarchy of service facilities by using Point Depth, a quantitative index. In doing so, some statistically significant differences were found between time periods, housing sizes, ownership type. It seems that such differences result from the level of separation between pedestrian and vehicle paths, which is thought to reflect the perception on cars.



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