저소득층 장애인 주택 주거환경 및 에너지 효율 개선을 위한 개·보수 사례 연구

The Research on Energy Performance Improvement Renovation Case Studies for the Physically Disabled Low-Income Home Owners

  • 투고 : 2014.07.31
  • 심사 : 2014.12.16
  • 발행 : 2015.01.30


This research is based on case studies of ten houses subjected to renovation in energy performance improvement for the physically disabled residents. The project is distinctive in its synchronized consideration for barrier-free design, home improvements, and energy performance at the same time, unlike the regular renovation projects for the disabled home owners. Among categories for the improvements, the furniture replacement and installation was ranked the highest. For the energy performance improvements, replacement of external windows was in the highest need. The total cost for the energy performance renovation was calculated average of 4,140,000 KRW. By categories, the highest was replacements for external windows, which required average of 1,240,000 KRW. Based on the analysis of reduced heating and cooling energy demands after renovation, the demands decreased average of 773.1 kWh/yr. Based on the analysis of reduced heating and cooling energy demands after renovation, The decreased demands in percentage averaging on 16.6%. The comparison analysis on construction costs show that every 10,000 KRW saves 1.90 kWh/yr of heating and cooling energy demands. However the decrease rate was not proportional to the construction cost. In order to magnify the effect and range of energy performance improvements, consideration on low-cost, high-efficiency planning and thorough analysis on the subjected house should be practiced from the beginning stage.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 국토교통부


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