부석사 무량수전의 앙서형 초각에 관한 연구 - 대공·화반의 상관성을 중심으로 -

A Study on Upward carving style of Muryangsujeon, Buseoksa - Focusing on the relationship of Daegong, hwaban -

  • 투고 : 2014.08.25
  • 심사 : 2014.12.16
  • 발행 : 2015.01.30


Up to now thorough researches on salmi upward carving style of Buseoksa Muryangsujeon which has the design of facing-up soeso at the edge of veranda crossbeam have not yet been made, even though the style is the oldest one among those of Korea's existing wooden buildings. This study is to focus on an unified dori-prop composition of Muryangsujeon and to inquire whether such unified composition has a profound relevance to the design and structure of '人' shaped daegong and hwaban. In other words, it seems that under the influence of '人' Shaped daegong usage in jong-daegong design, such unified composition of dori-prop was used beneath each dori of the building. Certain unity in design seems to have influenced the salmi carving style of Muryangsujeon which has the design of facing-up soeso at the edge of veranda crossbeam. This kind of distinctive facing-up salmi carving style turned out to have a certain relation with hwaban which was used in reconstructing Muryangsujeon. Reconstructed in the $11^{th}$ century, Muryangsujeon retains an unity in the composition of daegong, while wooden buildings of China at the same age shows diminished regularity in the composition of daegong. This is the collateral evidence of antique-technique usage in Muryangsujeon and this clearly shows that Korea had its unique architecture technique at that time.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 부산대학교


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